The primary purpose of our programs is to enable companies, organizations and stakeholders to make informed decisions, perform ecologically and socially sensitive actions, and support a sustainable future for all
We provide constructive solutions and creative input so our clients can respond to a fast-changing regulatory framework. And we support the development of projects that protect the environment and climate, enhance the sustainable growth.
Our core activity is the production of knowledge in the field of environmental studies, and the implementation of research and policy papers related to environmental issues in Yemen
10+Years of Experience
19+Environmental Service
14+Members & Experts


Environmental Expertise House in Yemen

Ours is a firm made up of people to serve environment, so we are determined to make continual improvements in everything we do and our services fully reflect this aspiration.
Holm Akhdar for Environmental Consultancy (HAEC) is the advisory arm of the Holm Akhdar Foundation, founded in 2012, with a small idea, yet a big dream that seeks taking the environment into consideration and applying more sustainable practices, by promoting environmental awareness in local communities, and building a common understanding of Yemen’s environmental challenges.

  • Plans and Policies
  • Research and Studies
  • Explore Opportunities
  • Environmental and Regulatory Solutions

Our mechanism of action


Holm Akhdar team works with organizations, companies, and stakeholders, to devise sustainable solutions, mitigate the environmental impact in the business environment, through environmentally friendly practices that ensure sustainable development and growth.
We can provide advice and environmental consultations to all Yemeni business sectors

  • Creating a new idea or developing a client's idea
  • Determine needs and requirements
  • Time to complete the task
  • Test and implement the idea

Our Vision

Pioneering in providing environmental advice and consultancy and innovating sustainable solutions to Yemen’s business sectors.

Our Message

Making a positive impact by working with companies, organizations and policymakers to implement sustainable practices that take into account the environment, climate and green growth.